Monday, February 16, 2015

Goitre, symptoms and causes

Struma or goiter disease is a swelling or the emergence of a sizable benjola pda front part or side of the neck (in the throat). Mumps occurs as a result of the growth of abnormal thyroid glands.


Mumps is known as the disease caused by lack of iodine in the daily diet. Due to the lack of iodine, especially when it occurs in pregnant women can result in the death of a baby or infant will diahirkan having mental retardation or deafness. Although the mother does not suffer from goitre though. Mumps can also occur due to disorders of the thyroid gland is unable to secrete thyroid hormone to suit the needs of the body.

Early symptoms of someone suffering from mumps is easily understood and recognized, such as:

Struma or goiter disease is a swelling or the emergence of a sizable benjola pda front part or side of the neck (in the throat). Mumps occurs as a result of the growth of abnormal thyroid glands.


Mumps is known as the disease caused by lack of iodine in the daily diet. Due to the lack of iodine, especially when it occurs in pregnant women can result in the death of a baby or infant will diahirkan having mental retardation or deafness. Although the mother does not suffer from goitre though. Mumps can also occur due to disorders of the thyroid gland is unable to secrete thyroid hormone to suit the needs of the body.

Early symptoms of someone suffering from mumps is easily understood and recognized, such as:

A sore throat. These symptoms are common symptoms experienced, despite the sore throat cannot be used as a benchmark of the incidence of goitre.
The appetite begins to decrease and decreases. When the thyroid gland is disturbed at the throat, appetite loss happens quite drastically. This is caused by difficult

My mouth is starting to feels tense and pain when chewing or swallowing food
When the night, high body temperature (heat)
Sometimes often have ear buzzing
Small bumps on my throat has occurred which then swell and bulge the look great on the throat.

Actually this preventable goitre with a balanced eating pattern to organize and regulate the intake of foods that contain iodine thyroid gland to be balanced, and the thyroid gland can run well and normal.

Disorders gland goiter. If sembab eyelids stand out, but not the sore eyes, fingers shaking, often though not pounding out doing physical activity, the body feels hotter (steamy) than usual, many sweaty, chances are these symptoms of a thyroid gland activity in excessive neck (hipertiroid).

Gondoknya gland should not swell like on goitre endemic because lack of iodium, however my father learned saj gondoknya function is redundant. because of excessive thyroid function giving rise to the complaints and symptoms as above it.

In order for the activity to interfere with no excessive thyroid pregnancy or child who is conceived, the gland disorders also need this hyacinth in Barcelona. Many of the endemic goiter was found in a mountainous area, where the soil is less water contain iodine.

Type Of Goitre

Hyacinth has some kind of like mumps or konginetal can be sporadic or endemic, etc.:

a. Hyacinth konginetal generally sporadic and can result from drug-antithyroid drugs or iodine which occurs during kehamulan or ever do pengobatn tirotoksikosis. Iodine and goitrogenik drugs pass through the placenta and in the dosisi tiggi can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis.

b. the Goiter and endemic cretinism. The relationship between diet and the prevalence of iodine definis hyacinth or cretinism has been known for more than half a century.

c. Goiter of iodine. On a small number of sufferers treated with iodine preparations during a long period evolved into a goiter. Iodine generally included because the influence of ekspektorannya on cough medicine and on patent herbs for asthma.

d. a simple Goiter (colloid goiter). Some children with mumps non toxic eutiroid is suffering from goiter simple, etiologinya unknown circumstances unrelated to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism and not caused by inflammation or neoplasia. This situation mainly occurs in girls and peak occurrence before and during puberty. Histological examination of the thyroid is normal or shows of various sizes and on flat epithelium kolloid.

Multinodular Goiter e.. Rarely, mumps is loud with surface berlobusi and single or many nodulus which can be touched and seen. The Cystic changes, bleeding and fibrosis there may be. The incidence of this condition has declined sharply with the use of salt beryodium.

f. Hyacinth intrakea. One of the many locations of ectopic thyroid tissue is in the trachea. Intralumen thyroid located below the trachea mucosa and often continues with tiorid ektratrakea which is normally.

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